Although Gregorian calendar is in vogue in all Islamic countries yet Islam has a calendar of its own. This is known as Hijri calendar and started from the date of migration of Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Holy city of Makkah to Holy city of Madinah in 622 AD. Islamic year is also further divided into twelve months and is strictly based on lunar cycles of 354 days.

Important days of Islamic year:
Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the best Quran tutor and he explained every verse of Quran himself through his sayings and actions. If we examine the life of our beloved prophet we find that following days in Islamic calendar have significant religious importance.
Friday of the every week is a sacred day for Muslims. On this day congregational prayers are held around midday and special sermons are delivered by Islamic philosophers. Muslims believe that Allah created the universe and heaven on Friday so it was the first day of the history as well.
Ramadan is the 9th month in Islamic calendar and the whole month is full of blessing and virtues. It was during this month that first verses of Quran were revealed on Holy Prophet (PBUH). In this month Muslims fast during the day and offer special prayers in the night. Ramadan is not only a month of blessings but also teaches self control and discipline.
Laylat al Qadr:
This is the most special and blessed night of not only Ramadan but whole year. Holy Quran speaks about this nigh in Surah AL Qadr that is Surah number 97. Worships on this single night is better than worships of thousand months together and it was on this night that Holy Quran was descended from upper paradise to the lowest paradise. Usually 27th of Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims as Laylat al Qadr but it could be any of last ten nights of Ramadan.
Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated on first of every Shawwal which is the 10th month of Hijri calendar. This day is actually a thanks giving ceremony when Muslims thank Allah for giving them the opportunity to enjoy the blessings and benefits of Ramadan.
Hajj (the Pilgrimage):
Hajj is included in the five constituent pillars of Islam and every Muslims who can bear the expenses of travelling to Makkah should perform Pilgrimage at least once in his life. The process of Hajj starts from 8th Dhul Hijjah and continues to the 12th where Dhul Hijjah is the last month of Islamic calendar. The Hajj is performed in order to commemorate the sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) in the way of Allah.
Eid-ul-Adha :
This is the second main festival of Islam and occurs on the next day after Hajj that is on 10th Dhul Hajj and continue till 12th. On this day Muslims sacrifice animals again in order to commemorate the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.)